so-clean not the greatest
It's one lousy engineered device, the clock does not remain running after power failure. BUT it remembers to sell you another filter after 6 months. Great NO real time clock but a lousy sales pitch and warning on warranty(??).
I'm not sure how you meant "lousy engineered". If by that descriptor you use the clock as your only or best example your critique is quite weak, especially as it totally ignores the pluses of the unit.
Well NONE of my clocks remain running after a power failure! Buckle up Buttercup! If that is what really bothers you, buy a battery pack and hook it up to that. TaaDaa! No more power failures!
Here's the thing. I never keep mine plugged in so the clock isn't for me, but I do love that it can tell you when to buy a filter, like my fridge.
It seems to be sturdy and definitely useful so i give it all thumbs up.
I've had mine about 2 months, love it! Used to not use CPAP machine if I had not been able to properly clean it, so missed too many nights that way. Now rarely miss one (at least for that reason). I don't mess with the clock: just connect to the So-Clean in the morning, let it run, & put it back on at bedtime. Definitely a thumbs UP.
I've been using the device for close to a year. If your only complaint is that the clock doesn't remain after a power failure, then you don't have a complaint worth talking about.
I have been using the Soclean for 3 years. it extends the life of the mask and hose. I do a reset when they say to change the filter and haven't replaced the filter in 3 years. My mask stays clean. I have the Soclean plugged into battery backup, so, I don't get a power outage on my clock...This is the best device I own in my house...why? because I don't have to clean the mask and hose every day...
I LOVE MY SOCLEAN! yes the automatic cleaning timer has to be reset after a power failure. I am to lazy to figure out how, so I set an alarm on my phone and turn the soclean on manually every nite at 7 pm. Why I love it? 1. It is such a relief not to have to deal with cleaning the hose with vinegar every week 2. I just add a little water to it each night and only change the tank once a week. 3. It smells SOOO clean when I put it on, it’s almost pleasant to sleep in it. That’s amazing.
I don't care about the clock, but after I have cleaned my cpap the air coming out of the cpap smells like ozone and burnt rubber for a good while. Does anyone else experience this? Oh, and by the way, after using the SoClean for maybe 10 times, the motor or pump or whatever it is gave out and I had to send the whole thing back and pay $75 to get it fixed. Just an FYI.
The ozone smell was very annoying to me too but I solved that problem by using a complete 2 nd alternating mask setup every other night. I clean the mask every morning and by using a mask that had an extra complete day to air out after cleaning it eliminated the annoying and bothersome smell.
The SoClean has changed my life! I no longer get sinus infections and I breathe much better now that my mask is cleaned everyday...the only improvement would be if it made coffee!